Jon Seward
Of Counsel

Jon Seward

  • Fair Lending
  • Litigation & Enforcement


With nearly 25 years at the U.S. Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division, Jon has a wealth of experience in evaluating policies and practices by lenders that have resulted in fair lending investigations and settlements.  Throughout his career, Jon has been at the forefront of efforts to promote equitable access to credit for all communities.

With a profound understanding of redlining issues, Jon has navigated the complexities of fair lending enforcement across multiple presidential administrations, including those of Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden.  His involvement in joint investigations and cases with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has provided him with valuable insights into addressing fair lending violations across a spectrum of lenders, ranging from large institutions to mid-size and small lenders.  Jon’s commitment to compliance and his wealth of experience in making referral and targeting decisions have been instrumental in shaping fair lending enforcement strategies.

Jon’s contributions to civil rights enforcement have earned him prestigious awards and recognition throughout his career.  He was honored with the John Doar Award in 2022, the Civil Rights Division's highest accolade, in recognition of his exemplary service.  Additionally, Jon was a finalist for the 2020 Service to America Medals, specifically the Paul Volcker Career Achievement award, a testament to his outstanding enforcement efforts in ensuring equitable access to credit for residents of minority communities.  He has also been the recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in 2013, one of the highest honors within the Department of Justice, and the Assistant Attorney General's Distinguished Service Award in 2022, 2012, and 2011, further highlighting his exceptional contributions to the DOJ’s mission. 

Jon lives in Maryland with his wife of 37 years. He has two children and enjoys spending time with his granddaughter and granddog.


Fun Facts

Under Construction

Previous Experience

  • U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

  • Fannie Mae

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


Lucas Markowitz


Jeremy Hochberg